caotero: cocoa transport tool and its ergonomic evaluation




Ergonomics, Risk factor, farm implements, equipment design, cocoa transport


Objective: To evaluate the tool called “caotero”, designed with ergonomic methods, for the transport of cocoa pods from the cultivation area to the fermentation area, in family-scale crops, in order to find out if it mitigates the load on the back and forced postures and allows the load to be transported.
Methodology: Descriptive cross-sectional study, carried out in the San Nicolás Alto village, municipality of Lebrija, Santander, which included 18 cocoa farmers who participated voluntarily. The study was carried out using a unifactorial design, with two treatments: traditional transport and the cocoa tool.
Results: It was found that the strength in the erector muscle of the back decreased by 19% when using the caotero tool with respect to traditional transport, allowing the load to be transported from the cultivation area to the fermentation area over terrain with slopes of up to 30°, covered with plant material and unevenness at different heights. On the other hand, it was found that back flexion increased to 58°, which is a negative effect on the worker's health.
Conclusion: With the caotero tool, it is possible to reduce the force on the erector muscle of the back. In addition, it allows the load to be transported through the distribution of the load on other parts of the body, such as the hand-wrist-arm system. Likewise, further work could be done on its improvement, based on the collaborative and people-centered design of ergonomic tools, in order to improve their musculoskeletal health.

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Author Biographies

Jenny Rodríguez García, Universidad Industrial de Santander

Magister en Ingeniería. Industrial Universidad Industrial de Santander. Colombia.

Silvia Domínguez , Universidad Industrial de Santander

Diseñadora industrial Universidad Industrial de Santander Colombia.

Fernanda Maradei García, Universidad Industrial de Santander

Doctora en ingeniería línea ergonomía. Universidad Industrial de Santander Colombia.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez García J, Domínguez S, Maradei García F. caotero: cocoa transport tool and its ergonomic evaluation. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 8];42:e355972. Available from:



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