Tensions over what to include and who to cover in the Colombian health care system from the perspective of a group of citizens





access to health services, government financing, health service needs and demands, citizen participation, health system


Objective: This study aims to explore and understand the perceptions of a group of citizens on health technologies and services that should be financed with public resources.

Methods: A qualitative case study was used. Information was collected through semi-structured interviews with 46 participants in five population groups (people with no recent contact with health services, patients, health workers, administrators and decision makers). Subsequently, a thematic analysis was carried out.

Results: Two approaches to financing health technologies and services with public resources were identified. One approach conditions it on 1) the characteristics of those who need care, 2) the disease they suffer, 3) the technology or service required, and 4) the expectation of efficient performance of the health system, determining coverage according to the economic conditions and social vulnerability of the person, the urgency of care or evidence of effectiveness. The other approach considers full coverage of technologies and services for all Colombians, based on principles of human dignity, right to health and honest use of resources.

Conclusions: The approaches identified respond to social tensions related to the structure of the health system and its organization in the provision of services. The three most important tensions are those related to the economic capacity of the citizen, the perspective that defines the health-illness concept, and the meanings of effectiveness and scientific evidence.

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Author Biographies

Claudia Marcela Vélez, Universidad de Antioquia

Doctorado en Políticas en Salud. Universidad de Antioquia. Colombia. cmarcela.velez@udea.edu.co

Diana Patricia Díaz Hernández, Universidad de Antioquia

Doctorado en Humanidades. Universidad de Antioquia. Colombia. diana.diaz@udea.edu.co

Olga Francisca Salazar Blanco, Universidad de Antioquia

Maestría en Educación Superior en Salud. Universidad de Antioquia. Colombia. olga.salazar@udea.edu.co

Daniel Felipe Patiño Lugo, Universidad de Antioquia

Doctorado en Políticas en Salud. Universidad de Antioquia. Colombia. felipe.patino@udea.edu.co

Pamela Velásquez Salazar, Universidad de Antioquia

Magíster en Epidemiología Clínica. Universidad de Antioquia .Colombia. pamela.velasquez@udea.edu.co

Juan Carlos Velásquez, Universidad de Antioquia

Especialista en estadística Universidad de Antioquia .Colombia. juan.velasquez9@udea.edu.co

Leydi Camila Rodríguez Corredor, Universidad de Antioquia

Magíster en Epidemiología. Universidad de Antioquia .Colombia. leydi.rodriguez@udea.edu.co

Viviana Vélez-Marín, Universidad de Antioquia

Médica y cirujana. Universidad de Antioquia. Colombia. viviana.velez@udea.edu.co


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How to Cite

Vélez CM, Díaz Hernández DP, Salazar Blanco OF, Patiño Lugo DF, Velásquez Salazar P, Velásquez JC, Rodríguez Corredor LC, Vélez-Marín V. Tensions over what to include and who to cover in the Colombian health care system from the perspective of a group of citizens. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 23 [cited 2025 Jan. 31];42:e356278. Available from: https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/fnsp/article/view/356278



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