The old sge pension based in deficiencyin Colombian legislation and the restrictions to access to it due to its assessment tool
general system of pensions, old age, handicap, disability, handicap scaleAbstract
In the pension system, through Act 797 of 2003, it devoted special old-age pension for the purpose of protecting people with 50% or more of physical, mental or sensory impairment, from 55 years of age 1000 weeks and prove listed at any time. Although the standard was in place, its consecration is not widespread and is treated as a disability pension in addition to understanding the gap, meets the disability and handicap, that is equated in practice the concepts of impairment and disability. The barriers in the application of the rule, focus from the instrument to assess these criteria, called the Unified Rating Manual, which is not according to the updating of international standards which were the basis for elaboration, ie, those specified by the International Health Organization, making more difficult the assessment of the deficiency as an independent criterion for economic provision of old age controversy involving both doctors, lawyers and members of the regime as necessary to encourage reform or propose a new instrument qualification in the Social Security System of Colombia.
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