The second demographic transition and the development level of Colombia departments, 2005


  • Isabel C. Grajales A.
  • Doris Cardona A.



demographic transition, development, Colombia, fecundity


Objective: to analyze the behavior of some demographic characteristics for each department to identify the state of demographic transition and its relationship to the development level. Methodology: descriptive study based on secondary information sources published by the National Statistics Department and the National Planning Department. Results: the global fertility rate of the country was 2.5 in 2005. Chocó reported the highest rate whereas Bogotá reported the lowest. A total of 67% of Colombian states registered higher rates than the average rate in the country. Mortality rate of children in the country was 24.5, with the lowest rates registered in El Valle, Caldas, and Bogotá. The highest rates were registered in Arauca and Chocó. 26.6% of Colombian states show some advance in the demographic transition process. By contrast, 67% of the states are classified as lagged behind. There is a relation between the demographic transition index and the development indicators. Conclusion: Although some departments reach an advanced level of demographic transition, most of them still show high rates of infant mortality or fecundity which keep them behind in this process. Inequalities in living conditions of the country’s departments could be influencing the behavior of the demographic components analyzed.
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Author Biographies

Isabel C. Grajales A.

Professional in Health Information Systems Management, Master in Epidemiology.

Doris Cardona A.

Business Administrator, Master in Public Health, Master in Epidemiology.


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How to Cite

Grajales A. IC, Cardona A. D. The second demographic transition and the development level of Colombia departments, 2005. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2011 Jan. 29 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];28(3):209-20. Available from:


