Similarities and differences among paramilitaries, severe aggressors and communal control, a case-control study in Medellín, Colombia


  • Luis F. Duque
  • Nilton E. Montoya
  • Marcela Montoya



violence, paramilitaries, risk factors, case control studies, Colombia, Medellín


A case-control study was performed in Medellín during 2003-2004 to compare characteristics of severe aggressors, members of Colombian United Selfdefense Forces members (AUC), otherwise named paramilitaries, and communal control. Severe aggressors and paramilitaries have lower educational level than communal control; their families were biparental in a lower proportion, and experienced drug and alcohol abuse in a higher proportion than in the case of families of communal control. Severe aggressors and paramilitaries’ families suffered forced displacement and assassination of one of its members in a higher proportion than those of controls. There were no differences relating time of residence in Medellín or current
neighborhood, or current family socioeconomic stressors. No differences were found regarding believing in God, religious practice and reasons for practicing religion. There were no significant differences for all mentioned variables between severe aggressors and paramilitaries. Paramilitaries did inform having suffered extreme poverty conditions during childhood in a higher proportion than severe aggressors and controls. Progress opportunities perception was also explored.
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How to Cite

Duque LF, Montoya NE, Montoya M. Similarities and differences among paramilitaries, severe aggressors and communal control, a case-control study in Medellín, Colombia. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2008 Oct. 16 [cited 2025 Jan. 30];25(2):1-11. Available from:


