Knowledge about breastfeeding in Valle del Cauca, Colombia


  • Gustavo Cabrera Universidad de Antioquia
  • Julio C. Mateus
  • Rocío Carvajal



Breastfeeding, knowledge, attitudes, practices


This paper describes knowledge of breastfeeding in women and health officials of public hospitals from a sample of ten municipalities of Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Between March and May 2001, three population subgroups from ten urban areas were surveyed with independent questionnaires. A total of 2.080 women, with ages between 15-54 years, were randomly selected for the first study subgroup; the second subgroup was constituted of 690 women who gave birth in one of the hospitals included in the study, and the third subgroup was composed by health officials of such hospitals. The whole knowledge of the interviewees was adequate, mainly in aspects of the nutritional and inmunological importance of breastfeeding for infants. In is sues such as colostrum and factors that increase or diminish quantity of milk produced by their breasts, women’s knowledge is unfavorable for timely beginning and sustaining of natural and complementing
breastfeeding, accordingly to national and international recommendations. Knowledge about norms that promote and protect breastfeeding is poor. Among puerperal women, half of them had not received any information or acquired any basic knowledge about breastfeeding, neither during their pregnancy nor in the first three hours after childbirth. The origin of knowledge about breastfeed ing reported by women was not mainly influenced by health services or health officials. Permanent actions at hospital and community levels are requested in order to strengthen favorable knowledge and modify inadequate knowledge to promote, pr
otect and support natural breastfeeding.
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Author Biographies

Gustavo Cabrera, Universidad de Antioquia

Magíster en salud pública. Profesor Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública

Julio C. Mateus

Médico cirujano y magíster en epidemiología. Profesor Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública

Rocío Carvajal



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How to Cite

Cabrera G, Mateus JC, Carvajal R. Knowledge about breastfeeding in Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2009 Feb. 16 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];21(1). Available from:


