Mortality epidemiology surveillance in the municipalities of the area of influence of the construction of the hydroelectric plant Porce II (Antioquia, Colombia, 1997- 2000)


  • Marta Lía Valencia Universidad de Antioquia
  • José Pablo Escobar
  • Yolanda López
  • Claudia González
  • Beatriz Salazar
  • Nubia Henao
  • Lisardo Osorio
  • Claudia Ríos



Hydrolectric proyect, dam, mortality, potential years of life lost, epidemiology surveillance


This study allowed to know the mortality in the four municipalities of the area of influence of the project of the hydroelectric plant Porce II during the stages of its construction, as a part of the social and environmental management through the system of epidemiology surveillance Porce II. All the deaths occurred each one of the four municipalities were registered periodically according to cause, gender and age on the basis of different sources of information. Mortality was grouped taking the new list OPS 6/67 as the reference for the tabulation of the mortality data CIE10. Since 1997 the young men from the rural area died
mainly by homicide being this event the maincause of mortality and a greater contribution to the number of potential years of life lost, followed by diseases of the circulatory system, cancer and neoplasias, and respiratory chronic diseases that affected as many men as women. An important aspect was the decrease of mortality due to tropical infectious diseases in the region, as a possible result of the improvement of health services and the activities of promotion and prevention. It is necesary that health sector continues with the
development of strategies to descend and to prevent mortality by chronic diseases.
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How to Cite

Valencia ML, Escobar JP, López Y, González C, Salazar B, Henao N, Osorio L, Ríos C. Mortality epidemiology surveillance in the municipalities of the area of influence of the construction of the hydroelectric plant Porce II (Antioquia, Colombia, 1997- 2000). Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2009 Feb. 18 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];21(1). Available from:


