Experience in Versalles municipality (Valle del Cauca, Colombia): an approach from the promotion of health


  • Helena E Restrepo Universidad de Antioquia




Health promotion, healthy municipalities, healthy communities, community participation and empowerment


The experience in Versalles municipality (Valle del Cauca) is a model of successful community participation in health. That clearly shows the application of principles and strategies of health promotion and healthy municipalities and communities that look for the transformation of health determinants with holistic approaches. This process in Versalles is an example commitments of the government and citizens for achieving well-being and better quality of life. The results achieved for more than ten years of continuous work en compass all the development sectors and demonstrate that it is possible for an empowered community to construct social capital and democratic and peaceful convivial.

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Author Biography

Helena E Restrepo, Universidad de Antioquia

Profesor Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública


(1). Organización Mundial de la Salud. Carta de Ottawa para la promoción de la salud. Ottawa: OMS; 1986.

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(3). Comité de Participación Comunitaria de Versalles y Corporación de Desarrollo de Versalles. Documento borrador de sistematización de la experiencia de Versalles. Versalles, Valle del Cauca; 2002.

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How to Cite

E Restrepo H. Experience in Versalles municipality (Valle del Cauca, Colombia): an approach from the promotion of health. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2009 Mar. 2 [cited 2025 Jan. 31];20(1). Available from: https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/fnsp/article/view/873


