Responsiblity of insurance companies of the Social Security General System in health promotion and disease prevention
Social Security General System in Health, insurance boards, norms, health promotion, prevention of disease, Law 100 of 1993Abstract
This paper analyses the official resolutions related to health promotion and disease prevention that have been approved since 1993, when the Law 100 that created the Social Security Health System was issued, until the year 2000. The resolutions analyzed are the current available emanated from the Ministry of Health and of the Social Security National Council. Those resolutions contain the definitions and decisions about health promotion and disease prevention actions that must be taken by the insurance companies to guarantee the provision of the Compulsory Health Plan. Inconsistencies between the concepts established and activities defined in the act were detected. Also, a favoritism of the Direction Board of the Health System towards the insurance entities and those that are intermediaries in the regulation system is observed; such bias produces a negative effect in the health of those affiliated to the system.
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