Beliefs and practices for health care for deaf people in Antioquia
Deafness, Education of Hearing Disabled, Culturally Competent Care, health promotion, right to healthAbstract
Objective: To describe the beliefs and practices for health care of deaf people in Antioquia, in order to identify health education needs of this population.
Methodology: qualitative study with ethnographic techniques framed in a participatory action research; 22 semi-structured interviews and 4 focus groups were conducted with deaf people, in meetings mediated by an official interpreter of the Colombian Sign Language, of which video and audio were recorded for later transcription and analysis.
Results: Complaints related to the language barrier that prevents them from knowing about health care emerged; beliefs and practices acquired at home and with peers about sexual and reproductive health, mental health, and lifestyles. The participants expressed concerns about care, health and illness that have not been addressed clearly and in their own language.
Conclusions: Deaf people demand quality health care education under a differential approach, which will contribute to their autonomy, self-determination and the effective enjoyment of the right to health.
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