Ethical and unethical situacions in the attention of patients with pain and suffering


  • Tiberio Álvarez Echeverri Universidad de Antioquia
  • Oscar Velásquez Acosta Universidad de Antioquia



Terminal phase, Palliative Care, Pain


To have pain relieved is a human right and an ethical obligation of health personnel; several situations are classified in this review accord. ing to whether they are ethical or unethical, namely: Ethical situations: 1) to sedate patients when pain has been refractory to treatment; 2) to tell patients and their families the whole truth about their condition. Unethical situations: 1) to let somebody suffer on the basis of ignorance, fear, erroneous beliefs or theologic convictions; 2) to omit the cultural, social, psychological and human dimensions of pain during medical training; 3) to obstruct the easy availability of oploids and other pain-control drugs; 4) to promote only the use of costly paincontrol drugs; 5) to abandon patients with pain because they no longer have scientific Interest; 6) to unnecessarily produce or Increase pain In order to corroborate diagnoses or to obtain scientific results; 7) to deceive pain with placebo administration; 8) not to appropriate adequate resources for pain-control and palliative care.

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Author Biographies

Tiberio Álvarez Echeverri, Universidad de Antioquia

Presidente, Sociedad Antioqueña de Historia de la Medicina.

Oscar Velásquez Acosta, Universidad de Antioquia

Director, Clínica de Alivio del Dolor y Ciudados Paliativos, Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, Medellín, Colombia.



How to Cite

Álvarez Echeverri T, Velásquez Acosta O. Ethical and unethical situacions in the attention of patients with pain and suffering. Iatreia [Internet]. 1995 Mar. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];8(3):pág. 116-123. Available from:



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