Concept analysis of depression in women


  • Nora Angélica Armendáriz García RN, Ph.D. Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL), México. email:
  • María Magdalena Alonso Castillo RN, Ph.D. Professor, UANL, México. email:
  • Karla Selene López García RN, Ph.D. Professor, UANL, México. email:
  • Bertha Alicia Alonso Castillo RN, Ph.D. Professor, UANL, México. email:



Depression; depressive disorder; women.


Objective. To identify the elements characterizing the concept of depression in women through the revision of the definitions and uses of the concept in literature, as well as identify its attributes, antecedents, and consequential events.

Methodology. Some steps were used from the methodology of the concept's analysis by Walker and Avant.

Results. Through the analysis performed, we managed to identify that depression is a complex concept associated to other similar concepts (sadness, melancholy, among others); however, upon elaborating the present analysis it was considered that the main attribute of depression in women was the presence of inhibition or delay of motor functions, as well as the presence of altered frame of mind. Likewise, hormonal alteration was identified as the principal antecedent for its presence. The consequence identified most frequently was that of suicidal thoughts.

Conclusion. The study managed to introduce primordial aspects of the concept of depression in women. The use of this concept must be adapted and applied in the daily nursing practice.

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How to Cite

Armendáriz García, N. A., Alonso Castillo, M. M., López García, K. S., & Alonso Castillo, B. A. (2013). Concept analysis of depression in women. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 31(2).




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