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Effectiveness of telesimulation on cardiorespiratory arrest for nursing students


  • Francisco Mayron Morais Soares
  • Gleiciane Kélen Lima
  • Kirley Kethellen Batista Mesquita
  • José Erivelton de Souza Maciel Ferreira
  • Maria Jocelane Nascimento da Silva
  • Francisco Arnoldo Nunes de Miranda



educational technology, simulation training, students, nursing


Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of telesimulation on cardiorespiratory arrest to improve the performance of nursing

Methods. This was an experimental study, whose sample consisted of 30 undergraduate nursing students from a Brazilian university. It was structured from two groups: an experimental (n=15) and a control (n=15). For both groups, expository classes and skills training were held. For the experimental group, a virtual clinical simulation scenario was implemented. Before the beginning of the interventions, a pre-test was applied and, after the end of this, a post-test was applied to evaluate the students ; gain of knowledge and skills.

Results: From the analysis of the total correct answers and the scores obtained in the pre-test and post-test, it was found that there was an improvement in the performance of both study groups. Regarding the averages of the points obtained, there was a statistically significant difference between the groups (p=0.001). The post-test score was significantly higher than the pre-test score in the intervention group (p=0.001).

Conclusion. The virtual scenario developed proved to be superior in improving the performance of nursing students in managing cardiorespiratory arrest when compared to traditional teaching methods.

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How to Cite

Morais Soares, F. M., Kélen Lima, G., Batista Mesquita, K. K., de Souza Maciel Ferreira, J. E., Nascimento da Silva, M. J., & Nunes de Miranda, F. A. (2023). Effectiveness of telesimulation on cardiorespiratory arrest for nursing students. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 41(2).




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