Scrum+: a scaled Scrum for the agile global software development project management with multiple models


  • César Jesús Pardo-Calvache University of Cauca
  • Piedad Rocío Chilito-Gomez University of Cauca
  • Daniel Esteban Viveros-Meneses University of Cauca
  • Francisco J. Pino University of Cauca



development projects, project management, globalization, development models, systems engineering


Nowadays, carrying out a project management is difficult in any situation, even more in global projects of software development, whose environment faces different aspects that make this type of projects even more difficult to manage, for example: lack of coordination, lack of face to face communication, temporary differences, cultural diversity and application of different standards, models and approaches. With the aim of supporting agile global software development (AGSD) project management when multiple models are present, we have defined Scrum+, which is a guide based on Scrum and defines a set of activities, tasks, roles and criteria to support AGSD projects in multimodel environments. We carried out the harmonization of agile approach Scrum along with project management practices defined in multiple models such as: ISO/IEC 15504, ISO 9001 and CMMI-DEV. Likewise, the evaluation of the proposal has been conducted through: (i) its application in a focus group with experts in different related areas and (ii) its assessment of the degree of agility by means 4-DAT method. Based on the analysis of the results and the comments obtained in the focus group, Scrum+ seems to be clear, adequate, and agile. The guide proposed here can serve as reference for studying further aspects related to agile software scaled projects.

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Author Biographies

César Jesús Pardo-Calvache, University of Cauca

GTI Research Group, Systems Engineering Program, Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications.

Piedad Rocío Chilito-Gomez, University of Cauca

GTI Research Group, Systems Engineering Program, Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications.

Daniel Esteban Viveros-Meneses, University of Cauca

GTI Research Group, Systems Engineering Program, Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications.

Francisco J. Pino, University of Cauca

IDIS Research Group, Systems Engineering Program, Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications.


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How to Cite

Pardo-Calvache, C. J., Chilito-Gomez, P. R., Viveros-Meneses, D. E., & Pino, F. J. (2019). Scrum+: a scaled Scrum for the agile global software development project management with multiple models. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (93), 105–116.