Influence of the configuration of conversion kit on the performance of a bifuel gasoline-vehicular natural gas spark ignition engine


  • John Ramiro Agudelo Universidad de Antioquia
  • Ricardo Moreno Universidad de Antioquia
  • Iván Darío Bedoya Universidad de Antioquia



Natural gas for vehicles, emissions, performance, engines conversion, bifuel engines


This article presents the results of an experimental study made on a Toyota Hilux 2.400 cm3 motor, for determining the influence on environmental-mechanical performance (fuel consumption, volumetric efficiency, equivalence ratio, the concentration of CO and CH4) when the dimensions of the kit components are modified. The factors evaluated were: size of the regulator, diameter of the Venturi in a fixed mixer and its location (in the admission duct and on the carburetor). The motor was tested in five different operating conditions (secondary factor).

The effect of the statistic factor on environmental-mechanical performance was determined by using a multifactor experimental design and variance analysis. The respective validation of the statistic suppositions (no autocorrelation and homoscedasticity) complements the analysis.

The behavior of these variables showed a marked influence of the size of the regulator and the location for the mixer in the fuel consumption and in the concentration of CO (combustion process), while the diameter of the venturi mixer affects considerably the concentration of CH4 (incomplete combustion).

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Author Biographies

John Ramiro Agudelo, Universidad de Antioquia

 Ingeniero Mecánico. Ph.D. en Termoenergética. Miembro del Grupo Ciencia y Tecnología del Gas y Uso Racional de la Energía.

Ricardo Moreno, Universidad de Antioquia

Ingeniero Mecánico. Miembro del Grupo Ciencia y Tecnología del Gas y Uso Racional de la Energía. Universidad de Antioquia.

Iván Darío Bedoya, Universidad de Antioquia

Estudiante de Ingeniería Mecánica. Universidad de Antioquia. Miembro del Grupo Ciencia y Tecnología del Gas y Uso Racional de la Energía.


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Montgomery, Douglas. Diseño y Análisis de Experimentos. México. Grupo Editorial Iberoamérica. 1991.

Maxwell, T. y J. Jones. Alternative Fuels. Emissions, Economics and Performance. SAE int. 1994. DOI:

Agudelo, John R. y Ricardo Mejía. “Desarrollo de un modelo para el dimensionamiento de mezcladores aire-gas natural”. En: Revista Facultad de Ingeniería. N.° 26. Universidad de Antioquia. 2002.



How to Cite

Agudelo, J. R., Moreno, R., & Bedoya, I. D. . (2004). Influence of the configuration of conversion kit on the performance of a bifuel gasoline-vehicular natural gas spark ignition engine. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (31), 102–115.

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