Assessment of Generative Strategies in Self-support Groups in People Affected by the Colombian Armed Political Conflict


  • Nelsy Johana Higuera Pedraza Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
  • Jeimmy Aleider Orozco Celis Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
  • Nelson Molina Valencia Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana



Generative Perspective, Self-support Groups, Language, Narrative, Colombian armed conflict


This paper presents some research findings from a study about Self-support Groups where the appreciative approach was applied to evaluate their use of generative strategies. The research sample was made up of 11 people living in Bucaramanga City (Colombia). From the sample two support groups of people affected by the Colombian armed political conflict were formed. On these two groups the discursive links between participants, their shared meanings, their choice of metaphors, and their narrative transformations were identified and described.

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How to Cite

Higuera Pedraza, N. J., Orozco Celis, J. A., & Molina Valencia, N. (2012). Assessment of Generative Strategies in Self-support Groups in People Affected by the Colombian Armed Political Conflict. Revista De Psicología Universidad De Antioquia, 4(1), 21–33.



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