Social Discrimination from a Psychosociological Perspective


  • Oscar Navarro Carrascal
  • Alina Prevert
  • Ewa Bogalska-Martin



Discrimination, Social Representations, Stereotypes, Prejudice


European public institutions are concerned about social discrimination because it erodes social cohesion and the fabric of society. This phenomenon can be approached from two perspectives, a psychosocial perspective, which highlights the cognitive mechanisms that allows that somebody understand and relate to the world and its objects; and a macrosocial perspective that accounts for the social and ideological structures that hold these mechanisms. Two empirical studies support this research. First, a comparative analysis that examines the social representations of discrimination in France and Poland; and second, a French study that examines the claims that victims of discrimination made at three agencies that fight against discrimination, a governmental agency (HALDE), an NGO (SOS Racism), and a trade union (CGT).

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How to Cite

Navarro Carrascal, O., Prevert, A., & Bogalska-Martin, E. (2012). Social Discrimination from a Psychosociological Perspective. Revista De Psicología Universidad De Antioquia, 4(1), 7–20.



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