Organizational Support in Workers from Different Companies: Evidence of a Measure
Organizational Support, Structural Analysis, CompaniesAbstract
The interests that organizational psychology and work psychology is to understand the binomial - man-work, based in the functional quality and also structural quality of business and human relations. Studies in Brazil propose a measure that evaluates the actions that promote employee development, resources availability, autonomy, recognition and professional visibility, that being organizational support. This measure allows to develop an evaluative way through belief of the workers in support of the organization before any eventuality. This study aims to assess the accuracy of the organizational support scale for workers in different companies. The study included 214 workers from different companies in the city of João Pessoa –PB; Ages from 19 to 61 years old, both men and women, with economic rent ranging from 1.000,00 to 2.000,00 Reais. The analysis field-behavior revealed positive intercorrelations itemfactor; the confirmatory analysis, the psychometric indicators ratified the factor structure previously found in Brazilian studies.
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