Contributions of the encyclical Laudato Si to troubleshooting: a reading from the conductual cognitive approach to problem solving in psychology of religion




Common house, Problem solving, Interdisciplinary perspective, Psychology, Religion


This article is a reading of the encyclical Laudato Si from the Analysis of Behavior this is understood as natural science of behavior and specifically the Analysis of Applied Behavior from the cognitive behavioral approach of problem solving in the psychology of religion articulate the contributions of the religious experience. This encyclical evidences an integral perspective where everything is related and where one objective is to promote the dialogue of the different sciences and knowledge.

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Author Biography

Yefren Díaz López, Pontifical Xavierian University


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How to Cite

Díaz López, Y. (2016). Contributions of the encyclical Laudato Si to troubleshooting: a reading from the conductual cognitive approach to problem solving in psychology of religion. Revista De Psicología Universidad De Antioquia, 8(2), 195–208.



Artículo de reflexión