Attention maintenance regardless sleep deprivation in psychology students
Sleep deprivation, Sustained and selective attention, D2 Test of attention, Compensatory brain mechanism, Sleep pattern, Sleep, AttentionAbstract
In this study, we determine the one-night partial and total sleep deprivation effects on attention in fortynine psychology students at Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, assigned to one of four groups with different sleep hours for one night (G1: 0 h; G2: 0,5-3 h; G3: 3,5 - 6 h; G4: > 6 h) . A registration form and d2 test of attention were administered at the next day. No statistical differences were found, except commission errors. Students with partial deprivation made significantly less errors than students with total deprivation and without it. It is discussed whether sleep patterns and compensatory brain mechanisms both might support, at short-term, attentional capacity under sleep deprivation.
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