The impact of adopting a pet in the perception of physical and emotional wellbeing
Animal, Health, Role, Relationship.Abstract
The aim of this study was to explore the perceptions of a group of individuals that are going to adopt a pet (cat or dog), as well as the perceptions of physical and emotional wellbeing that they consider have been influenced by the presence a pet in their lives. A qualitative phenomenological study was carried out between 2017 and 2018 with a sample of nine people recruited at the moment of adoption for a semi structured interview and a follow-up three months later. Results show that individuals that referred to their pet as an animal generally adopted in order to have company or to help in the processes of responsibility of a member of the family, while those that saw the pet as a member of the family adopted for love and companionship, but also reported a greater impact in their perceptions of physical and emotional wellbeing. It is worth noted that the perception of the pet tended to change during time, since “just an animal” to someone that has a role in the family. Finally, it was found that participants generally developed an empathic relationship with their pets, caring for their needs and modifying behaviors in order to provide them wellbeing, which in turn influenced their own wellbeing.
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