Perfectionism in schoolchildren from Caracas: differences based on sex, type of educational institution and stress level


  • Leonardo Andrés Aguilar Durán Central University of Venezuela



Perfectionism, Stress, Psychological distress, Childhood, Adolescence.


The objective of this scientific research article is to characterize the perfectionism of a sample of school children in function of sex, type of educational institution (public or private) and stress levels. In addition, stress differences between students with high and low perfectionism are analyzed. This is a descriptive-comparative and cross-sectional study. A sample of 342 school children (Mage = 11.88 ± 0.67) completed the Venezuelan version of the Childhood Perfectionism Scale of Oros (2003) and the Questionnaire about Sources of Childhood Stress (Dávila y Guarino, 2001). Moderate levels of perfectionism were found in the sample. Boys scored higher than girls on perfectionism and irrational self-demands. Group of public schools presented higher scores than group of the private institutions on specific self-demands. In most cases, participants with high stress obtained higher scores on perfectionism and those with high perfectionism had higher scores on stress. These findings represent a first approach to the relationship between perfectionism and psychological distress in the Venezuelan children’s context.

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Author Biography

Leonardo Andrés Aguilar Durán, Central University of Venezuela

Degree in Psychology —Mention: Clinical Psychology—, Central University of Venezuela (UCV), Caracas.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Durán, L. A. (2019). Perfectionism in schoolchildren from Caracas: differences based on sex, type of educational institution and stress level. Revista De Psicología Universidad De Antioquia, 11(1), 7–33.



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