The Psychological Laboratories in the Beginning of the XX Century: The Production of Singular Scientific Selfs and Technologies of the Self
scientific humanities, technoloogy, epistemic objectivity, political objectivity, history of the body, technologies of the self, introspectionAbstract
This paper, defined as a work of reflection, aims at discussing the relationship between the history of subjectivity and the history of objectivity, mainly in what concerns the first psychological laboratories. Understanding that to explore this relationship requires symmetrical approaches to the production of knowledge, that do not assume any division between successful and unsuccessful scientific projects, we will use references from Science-Tecnology-Society studies, historical epistemology (Despret and Stengers), genealogy of ethics (Foucault) and the history of objectivity (Daston and Galison). With those references, we will then approach three mais topics: a) which practices took place in the first psychological laboratories; b) the
objectivity produced by such practices; c) the subjective transformations by which the experimental psychologists must go through to obtain scientific results. In the conclusion, we consider if it is possible to say that, in the introspective training, the technologies of the self constitute a distinctive mark of the constitution of a scientific self and a key-concept for a historical study of those laboratories.
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