Direct Perception. Response to Burgos and Roca’s Commentaries


  • Pablo Covarrubias University of Guadalajara



Cognitive Theories, Inference, Ecological Approach, Information, Direct Perception


This response article is intended to respond to Burgos and Roca’s comments on my target article in this monograph. When reviewing some of the challenges made by Fodor and Pylyshyn (1981) to the notion of direct perception, one of the main assumptions of traditional cognitive theories is delineated —i.e., perception is based on inferences— and alternatives are proposed from the ecological approach to these questionings. Some limitations of the concept of information, which is central in the ecological approach, are reviewed, and the scope that the ecological program has had in other fields of study, other disciplines and in psychology are mentioned. Finally, we reflect on the relationship between the sensitivity to contingencies of reinforcement and the detection of invariants.

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Author Biography

Pablo Covarrubias, University of Guadalajara

PhD in Behavioral Science; research professor at the Center for Research in Comparative Behavior and Cognition. University of Guadalajara, Mexico.


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How to Cite

Covarrubias, P. (2022). Direct Perception. Response to Burgos and Roca’s Commentaries. Revista De Psicología Universidad De Antioquia, 14(2), 1–20.



Artículo de reflexión derivado de investigación