Characteristics of Antioquia residents with suicidal behavior
Seleccionado:Teleorientation, suicide, mental health, pandemic, COVID-19Abstract
Objetive. Describe the characteristics of Antioquian residents with Suicidal Behavior, who consulted the teleorientation hotline “Salud para el Alma”, during the years 2020 to 2021. Method. Descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative study, with a secondary source of information on demographic aspects, characteristics of Suicidal Behavior and associated risk factors in 537 individuals who contacted the teleorientation hotline. Univariate analysis was conducted using Excel and SPSS. Results. 43.8% of the patients were between 29 and 59 years old; 68% were women; 62.2% lived in the subregion Valle de Aburrá. 45.1% reported having a structured plan and previous suicide attempts, with 46.7% medium risk of suicide and 35.7% high risk. 37.8% of the patients sought consultation for depressive disorders, and 16.4% for anxiety. Conclusion. The implementation of teleorientation programs in mental health such as the “Salud para el Alma” hotline favored closer patient engagement and access to comprehensive services for risk detection, health counseling, psychological support, and crisis intervention during the pandemic.
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