Principle of merit and fundamental rights: elements to the institutional design of a system of administrative career in the perspective of the fundamental rights


  • Hernán Darío Vergara Mesa Universidad de Antioquia



merit principle, fundamental rights, administrative career


The perspective of the fundamentals rights in the design of the public institutions, is one of the inevitable consequences of the formula of the constitutional State of law received by the Politic Cart. When it is verified that the merit is one of the formal principles conceived by the constituent of 1991 to do effective the system of rights that supports the new constitutional text, moreover it guarantees the principles that rest the administrative function of the State, the article explains the necessity of discuss the possibility of a institutional design of the system of career since the perspective of the fundamental rights.

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Author Biography

Hernán Darío Vergara Mesa, Universidad de Antioquia

Faculty of Law and Political Science


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How to Cite

Vergara Mesa, H. D. (2011). Principle of merit and fundamental rights: elements to the institutional design of a system of administrative career in the perspective of the fundamental rights. Estudios De Derecho, 68(152), 113–136.