Governance in regional instances: the strategic plan chases of Antioquia and tripartite commission.
governance, multilevel governance, public policies, instances of interaction, public-private partnershipAbstract
Governance is not limited to the consideration of a greater involvement of civil society and the establishment of horizontal organizational forms and networks, but it also implies new roles arising from changes of governments. This paper analyzes the interactions that have been implemented in instances of policy discussions and government actions which require coordination between the municipality of Medellín and the department of Antioquia in Colombia. Identifying and analyzing the forms of coordination between Medellín and Antioquia is considering agreement or disagreement points, fragmentation, changes in the role of the governor and the mayor, incursions of institutional, sectorial, individual and private actors, who are recognized as valid and direct participants in decision making. The contrast between new trends and traditional forms of government has created tensions between different levels of government, as it implies a pressure for the independent exercise of local authorities and the incorporation of new actors on the political scene. Now well, these new forms of government from governance does not mean they are always or exclusively horizontal forms, collaborative or networking, but that allow a range of possibilities associated with hierarchical forms, mixed, co-management, among others.
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