Dispositions with reference to philosophy of law: Notes on phenomenology: the professor and the student


  • Leonardo García Jaramillo Universidad de Caldas




Philosophy of law, juridical formalism, juridical pedagogy and didactics, new law


In this essay I will describe and criticize the juridical formalism in what concern with its conception and influence on the legal education in Colombia, to empathized in the analysis of relation between the diverse forms of experiences that are lived, both of professors as well students, thus as the essential relations which they settle down among them, from the formalists vices that afflict the teaching of the philosophy of law in particular. Later is analyzed how should be such education given the essentially practical nature of philosophy of law and its renewed conception in the ideological and programmatic jurisdiction of the “new law”. It will be argued, consequently, that as a background that take root in the empirical knowledge of the law, the legal philosophy must teach itself from a philosophical conception of education, that is, as independent and critic thought, and not as set of information.

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Author Biography

Leonardo García Jaramillo, Universidad de Caldas

Vinculado al programa de Derecho –Centro de Investigaciones Sociojurídicas- de la Universidad de Caldas. Ha publicado artículos y traducciones sobre filosofía política, derecho constitucional y teoría jurídica. Editor y coautor de John B. Rawls. El hombre y su legado intelectual (2004).



How to Cite

García Jaramillo, L. (2007). Dispositions with reference to philosophy of law: Notes on phenomenology: the professor and the student. Estudios De Derecho, 64(143), 109–140. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.esde.2550