The influence of the labor relation process on the resocialization of convicted people and its peculiarities in Cuba
resocialization, prison, communityAbstract
This article describes the results of research projects on imprisonment and resocialization in convicted people. The aim is to evaluate the influence of the labor relation process on the convicted people resocialization, with emphasis on the post-prison community context. A novel theoretical model defining different typologies of resocialization, expanding the traditional conceptions that restrict it to the prison context is described, emphasizing its community dimension. The importance of working is based both on the prison environment and on the socio-community context. A critical analysis of the subject is carried out in the Cuban reality, both from the normative point of view and from the verification of its practical problems in a given context, and the results obtained support the relevance, timeliness and pertinence of the research, for whose development theoretical postulates were combined with empirical research.
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