Law and Public Policies: Court Ruling and Health Policies in Mexico in the Light of the Colombian Case
courts, law, economics, public policy, health policy, public goodsAbstract
Analysing the relationship between law and public policy entails studying whether the decisions made by constitutional and judicial bodies interfere with, intersect with, or define the respective public policies, which also implies recognizing the role of courts in public policy. Mexico and Colombia differ considerably regarding the impact that judicial decisions on the protection of the right to health have had on health policies. While Colombia is often recognized as a regional benchmark for the judicialization of health, in Mexico judicial participation in health policy is incipient. This article presents a qualitative analysis of amparo judgments of the Mexican Supreme Court of the Nation to study the way in which these decisions can be the link between law and health policy. Drawing on a methodology based on the notion of the public good of law and economics, findings reveal that in some cases, the effects of the rulings may address a public issue and produce non-rival and non-exclusive effects for the benefit of patients outside the lawsuits. This suggests that court judgments can be a relevant component in the relationship between law and public policy.
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