Analysis and appropriation of territory from maps: a methodological proposal for children


  • Sebastián Cano Echeverry University of Caldas
  • Jorge Alirio Mendieta Ocampo University of Caldas
  • Rocío del Pilar Posada López University of Caldas



geography, geography education, social science didactics, teacher training


Social sciences didactics, regarded as an emerging discipline under construction, has been focused on analyzing and studying the teaching and learning of social sciences contents, and to teachers training. This article presents a proposal connected to social science education research, intended to create academic practices that promote innovation in the teaching of geography, in this case by studying territories with the use of maps; this requires organizing and adapting the contents according to the kids’ age and cognitive, emotional, social and psychomotor development.


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Author Biographies

Sebastián Cano Echeverry, University of Caldas

Master in Education. Professor at the University of Caldas.

Jorge Alirio Mendieta Ocampo, University of Caldas

Magister. Professor of plant at the University of Caldas. 

Rocío del Pilar Posada López, University of Caldas

Master in Education. Teacher of plant University of Caldas.


Cajiao Restrepo, Francisco (1997). Pedagogía de las ciencias sociales. 2.ª ed. ***: TM Editores. Bogotá.

Hathaway, James A., McNauGht, Harry y vidaurri, Ileana (1972). Historia de los mapas. Cómo se ha representado el mundo, desde la antigüedad hasta la era espacial. Bogotá: Organización Editorial Novaro.

Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi (IGAC) (1998). Principios básicos de cartografía temática. Bogotá: Editorial Graphiartex.

Pagès, Joan (2002). «Aprender a enseñar historia y ciencias sociales: el currículo y la didáctica de las ciencias sociales». En: Pensamiento Educativo, Revista de Investigación Educacional Latinoamericana, Vol. 30, N.o 1, pp. 255-269. Santiago: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Mendieta, Jorge A. y Valencia, Ramón Elías (2005). Cartografía básica aplicada. Manizales: Editorial Universidad de Caldas.

Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN) (2001). Lineamientos curriculares para las ciencias sociales. Bogotá, Colombia.



How to Cite

Cano Echeverry, S., Mendieta Ocampo, J. A., & Posada López, R. del P. (2013). Analysis and appropriation of territory from maps: a methodological proposal for children. Uni-Pluriversidad, 13(1), 97–104.

