Investigate and innovate STS initial training science teachers applying a sequence of teaching and learning about technological decisions
training teachers, nature of science and technology, teaching learning sequences, decisions about technology, social learning, emotionsAbstract
This study is into the Latin American Project «Teaching and Learning on the Nature of Science and Technology». The study was carried on with the objective of improving the understanding of the nature of science and technology in teachers in training on natural sciences and primary education in Argentina. Since a teaching-learning sequence: Lights and shadows of technology, which focus in the relationship between science, technology and society (STS), it is intended to evolve reductionist beliefs of future teachers on decisions about technology in a democratic country. Debate on the use of nuclear energy versus other alternative energy was used, for promoting social learning since a holistic perspective that includes their emotions. To evaluate the impact of the sequence of teaching and learning, a qualitative and quantitative analysis was used. The quantitative results of the pre and post standardized test showed modest improvements in the final objective. However, the qualitative results were more encouraging on the emotions that the teaching-learning sequence generated in teachers.
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