Diagnosis of the psychosocial risks factors to which full-time and adjunct professors are exposed within the working environment at Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana (UNAULA)


  • Ever de Jesús Bedoya Bedoya Latin American Autonomous University
  • Sergio René Oquendo Puerta University of Antioquia
  • María Camila Gallego Ruiz Latin American Autonomous University




life quality, psychosocial risk factors, protective factors


This article presents the results of the specific objective –diagnose of psychosocial risk and protective factors with the highest incidence on those teachers hired under the full time and teaching hour contracts, at Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana (UNAULA), Medellín-, formulated in the research project « Analysis of diagnosis and comparison of Psychosocial Risk Factors with the highest incidence on teaching staff working as teaching hour and full time professor at UNAULA», associated to the GICOR and KABAI research groups. For data collection, the battery of psychosocial risk factors by the Ministry of Social Protection was used.

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Author Biographies

Ever de Jesús Bedoya Bedoya, Latin American Autonomous University

Language Professional from the University of Antioquia. Master in Human Talent Management from the University of Manizales. Research professor of the KABAI and GICOR groups at UNAULA. Business English teacher at the Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana.

Sergio René Oquendo Puerta, University of Antioquia

Business Administrator from the Adventist University Corporation (UNAC) . Health Services Administrator from the University of Antioquia. Master in Education and Human Development from the University of Manizales. PhD in Administration from EAFIT University. Research professor at the University of Antioquia.


María Camila Gallego Ruiz, Latin American Autonomous University

Student of Business Administration at the Latin American Autonomous University. 


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How to Cite

Bedoya Bedoya, E. de J. ., Oquendo Puerta, S. R. ., & Gallego Ruiz, M. C. . (2015). Diagnosis of the psychosocial risks factors to which full-time and adjunct professors are exposed within the working environment at Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana (UNAULA). Uni-Pluriversidad, 14(3), 102–113. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.unipluri.21344

