The Iliade and its educative inheritance


  • Marta Cecilia Palacio Arteaga University of Antioquia



Trojan War, Achilles, cholera, passions, drive, educational act, teacher, reason, sublimation, culture


The article we are talking about, is to show, through The Illiade, bilingual version from Javier Francisco Perez, how the passions, according with Homer, the father of the poets, or the pulssions, following the father of the psicoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, modify the human being and the educative praxis. For that reason, paying attention the interlocution of disciplines such as literaturre, pedagogie and psycoanalysis, it is possible to analyze how the art of education is a labour connected with the impossible or real that exists inside the teacher and the pupil. According with this important point of view, the pedagogic work has as one ofthe most important functions, not only to transmit the human knowledge form different generations, but also the discipline of passions and pulssions which are inside the human being.

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Author Biography

Marta Cecilia Palacio Arteaga, University of Antioquia

Psychoanalyst. Degree in Pre-school Education and Master in Orientation and Counseling, Faculty of Education, University of Antioquia. Occasional part-time and full-time professor, Faculty of Education; currently professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Early Childhood Education; co-negotiator of the collective: Ethics and political education at the University of Antioquia.


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Freud, Sigmund. (1979). El Malestar en la Cultura. En J.L. Echeverri y J. Strachey (eds.), Obras completas, Vol. 21 (pp. 59–140). Buenos Aires: Amorrortú.

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Lacan, Jacques. (1960). Seminario VII: La ética del psicoanálisis. J. Gránica (trad.). Barcelona: Paidós.

Pérez, Francisco Javier (ed.). (2012). Ilíada. Edición Bilingüe. Madrid: Abada.

Platón. (1997). El Banquete. En Sánchez Pacheco (ed.), Diálogos, Vol.3 (pp. 145–287). Madrid: Gredos Editores.



How to Cite

Palacio Arteaga, M. C. (2017). The Iliade and its educative inheritance. Uni-Pluriversidad, 16(2), 110–116.

