Sociolinguistic problems of intercultural Mexican universities in the light of their educational ideology




education, indigenous languages, interculturality, native peoples, revitalization


The state Intercultural Universities founded in Mexico since 2000 are an innovative educational model focused primarily on the indigenous peoples and the revitalization of their languages. This paper analyzes the practical reach of the educational model ́s linguistically oriented goals, making use of the fieldwork data acquired by the author between 2011 and 2014 at the Intercultural University of the State of México (UIEM) and the Intercultural University of Chiapas (UNICH). The conclusion is that the educational ideology of the Intercultural University based on the inclusion of the indigenous peoples into the national society sets limits to the institutional goal of revitalizing the Mexican native languages. 

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Author Biography

Zuzana Erdösová, Autonomous University of the State of Mexico

Researcher of Czech origin, Bachelor and Master in Humanities (Hispanic Philology in combination with History) and Doctor in Romance Languages from the University of Palacký in Olomouc, Czech Republic. PhD in Latin American Studies from the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEMéx by acronyms in Spanish). Since 2012 she lives in Mexico and currently works as a teacher by subject in the Faculty of Languages of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. Her line of research covers Latin American sociolinguistics and the problem of interculturality in Latin American education systems.




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How to Cite

Erdösová, Z. (2017). Sociolinguistic problems of intercultural Mexican universities in the light of their educational ideology. Uni-Pluriversidad, 17(1), 59–71.

