Reception and social inclusion as strategies for restoring rights and opportunities for the school




population victim, rights, reception, social inclusion, school


The full and effective guarantee of the right to education of girls, boys and adolescents victims of the conflict, as part of the process of restoration of rights, implies for the school the design and implementation of differentiated strategies of acceptance and social inclusion for this population.

This article presents the results of the research “Reception and social inclusion in the school: protocol for the reception and permanence of the population victim of the conflict in the school system. A school tailored to peace”, within the framework of which, through inquiry structured by the processes of reception and inclusion in the school, in a sample of educational communities, a conceptual and legal framework was built to determine and guide the definition of strategies for the action of educational institutions. Finally, these processes -inquiry and the construction of the conceptual framework- allow us to present a proposal for a path of reception and social inclusion in the school, in which, by differentiating the processes of school life, strategies for an institutional action in this school are offered. 

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Author Biographies

Beatriz Tiusabá Gómez, Nueva Granada Military University , University of the Andes

Beatriz Tiusabá Gómez is a political scientist at the University of the Andes. Master in Business and International Relations from the Nueva Granada Military University. Full-time research professor at the Faculty of International Relations, Strategy and Security at the Nueva Granada imlitary University.  


Hugo Alberto Buitrago, University of Antioquia

Hugo Alberto Buitrago has a degree in Spanish and literature, specializing in university teaching at the University of Antioquia. Head of the Department of Extension and Distance Education of the Faculty of Education of the University of Antioquia.

Álvaro Rodríguez Pastrana, ueva Granada Military University

Álvaro Rodríguez Pastrana is a Professional in International Relations and Political Studies, a Master in Education student at the Nueva Granada Military University. Research assistant at the Faculty of Education and Humanities of the  Nueva Granada Military University. Researcher at the Development and Education Corporation - COPDE.



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How to Cite

Tiusabá Gómez, B., Buitrago, H. A., & Rodríguez Pastrana, Álvaro. (2018). Reception and social inclusion as strategies for restoring rights and opportunities for the school . Uni-Pluriversidad, 17(2), 15–38.

