Virtual technological resources as encouraging the teaching and learning of morphological sciences
virtual forums, problems, teaching, learning, morphologies sciencesAbstract
For teaching the subject Morphology Normal of Race of Biochemistry at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral in Santa Fe, Argentina, one b-learning experience combining classroom learning with e-learning was designed by a proposal in a virtual environment Moodle format. For learning various virtual forums with topics proposed integrators problems for students to solve they by consulting materials provided by the Chair, updated bibliography from printed books, e-books and websites. Through this research was to understand the contributions of these activities to the teaching and learning of Morphological Sciences. As a result of the study shows that the resolution of problems through virtual forums group favored the construction of knowledge, and independent student learning. It also allowed integration of content, and apply them to different situations, constitute a valuable tool for teaching and learning the Morphological.
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