An exercise of rupture in the construction of the curriculum in Higher Education. Case of the Pilot University of Colombia
curriculum, pedagogical practices, systematization, higher education, resignification, knowledge managementAbstract
Among the challenges of the University of the XXI Century, it stands out in a singular way that the curriculum is a true reference in the integral formation of university students in their professionalization process in the discipline they have chosen. But what is expected is that this curriculum is relevant, consistent and coherent with the institutional proposals, the referents of national educational policy and the development of universal knowledge and culture. In these terms, within the Pilot University of Colombia, a process of systemic and continuous reflection was generated on how to re-signify the curriculum linked to knowledge management, with the aim of improving and improving the pedagogical practices of the institution. This reflection is born of the concern of its governing bodies in what has to do with the changes and transformations facing the current university and its challenges in relation to society, research and the productive world, as well as its articulation with the principles of curricular flexibility and relevance, together with pedagogical innovations and the diversity of learning routes, as aspects that generate new demands for academic processes in general and for teachers in higher education and for the university itself in its task and projection. As an exercise to reflect on this process, a systematization exercise was developed that, based on its own methodology and categories, provides a panoramic view of the phases, tensions and experiences of the curricular renewal process, which serves as a reflection of the need and the importance of generating educational and pedagogical research on the curriculum in higher education, based on the particularization of contexts in the logic of knowledge management.
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