Learning Styles: A Study in Nursing University Students





learning styles, teaching, nursing


This research aims to identify the learning styles in nursing university students through a quantitative study. The type of study is descriptive, prospective, and cross-sectional, with a population of 375 students chosen by census. They completed the Learning Styles sur vey, and their answers were analyzed through descriptive statistics. The results show that the students have a very high preference for a theoretical style and a low preference for a reflective one. It indicates that preferences are associated with the styles of “concrete experiences”,  “abstract conceptualizations”  and  “active  experimentation”,  but  they  are  not   linked to “reflective observation”.

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Author Biographies

Fabiola Cruz Núñez, Universidad Veracruzana

Full Time Professor. Faculty of Nursing Universidad Veracruzana. Mexico.

Blanca Judith Lavoignet Acosta, Universidad Veracruzana

Full Time Professor. Faculty of Nursing Universidad Veracruzana. Mexico.

Claudia Hernández Landaverde, Universidad Veracruzana

Professor hours base of the Faculty of Nursing- University Veracruzana. Mexico. 

Dora Luz Rodríguez Cruz, Universidad Veracruzana

Professor hours base of the Faculty of Nursing- University Veracruzana. Mexico.

Beatriz Garza González, Universidad Autónoma de Queretaro

Full-time Professor. Faculty of Languages and Letters. Autonomous University of Querétaro. Mexico


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How to Cite

Cruz Núñez, F., Lavoignet Acosta, B. J., Hernández Landaverde, C., Rodríguez Cruz, D. L., & Garza González, B. (2020). Learning Styles: A Study in Nursing University Students. Uni-Pluriversidad, 20(2), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.unipluri.20.2.012




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