Semantic congruence phenomena in algebraic representation of problems’ statement of two simultaneous linear equations
Registers of Semiotic Representation, Congruence Phenomena, System of Linear Equations of two Unknowns, Mathematics LearningAbstract
Mathematics is characterized by processes of representations changing called conversion by Duval, but an algebraic representation of mathematical relationships stated in the problems is a frequent difficulty for students. For Duval, the main difficulties that emerge in the conversion between representations are due to semantic congruence phenomena. Based on the Theory of Register of the Semiotic Representation, we analyzed learning difficulties related to the conversion between problem statements and writing of equations for problems with rested solution on ‘a system of linear equations with two unknowns’. From this delimitation, we illustrate and discuss underlying issues of the conversion task into mathematics. Thus, we contribute to the discussions about algebraic writing to the problems’ statements of this research object. Finally, the analysis contributes to the discussions on the approach to these problems, provides an opportunity to understand some of the student’s difficulties, and points out the importance of the study centered on the coordination of semiotic registers in mathematics.
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