Multiple Languages Involved in the Understanding of the Pascal's Principle
multimodality, social semiotic, learning, physicsAbstract
The purpose of this research was to establish the contribution of the multiple semiotic modes used by students learning the Pascal's Principle. This was done through the characterization of different semiotic modes: gestural-oral, visual, and written language. Following a descriptive qualitative research approach, the function of the different languages was identified through a semiotic analysis. Intervention process was done with a work unit consisting of three main moments: 1) pre-test to investigate previous ideas, 2) experimental activities to observe the use of different semiotic modes, and 3) post-test. The analysis of the information and discussions is presented through an in-depth case study of two students. Among the results, there is a powerful interaction between gestural-oral, visual, and written language and its contribution to the creation of meanings. In addition, the use of tangible and visual resources such as the model and the incorporation of situations closer to the students allowed them to strengthen the use of different modes to communicate their understanding of the matter. The gestural-oral language was the language that brought us closer to the students' learning process.
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