Teaching at the university: interdisciplinarity, academic culture and experience


  • Bernardo Barragán Castrillón University of Antioquia




academic culture, silent knowledge, to discipline, education, experience


This work  explores  three  aspects  that  are  considered    important  in relationship  with  teaching  at  the  University:  the  first  one  the  focuses  on  the  problems concerning what is well known as "academic culture" in order to think about phenomena such as the  reproduction of  knowledge and the imitation of this,  and be able to inquire about the possibility  of  producing  critical  minds  in  the  exercise  of  the  education;  the  second  aspect  is  interdisciplinarity  as  another  element  that  reaches  all  areas  of    teaching  at  the  University, especially  in  relation  with  the  phenomenon  of    teaching    contents  in  the  different  disciplines which places  education itself in the framework of  modern rationality,  denying  the possibility of assuming  the area of complexity as a tool for  creating thought.   And the third element is the experience which comes from the phenomenon of the objectivization of what is being taught at the  university,    denying  the  subject  the  possibility  of  establishing  another  type  of  relationship with knowledge,    which  could  be  modified  in an  area  where  his/her experience is  deployed  as  practice of subjectivity.

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Author Biography

Bernardo Barragán Castrillón, University of Antioquia

Degree in Philosophy and Letters from the Bolivarian Pontifical University, Specialist in the development of thought and creativity in Education from the University of Antioquia, Master in History of Pedagogy from the University of Antioquia, Doctor of Education Candidate from the University of Antioquia. Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Education, Universidad de Antioquia. Coordinator of the Educational Studies Research Group on Cognition, Childhood and Speech.


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How to Cite

Barragán Castrillón, B. (2011). Teaching at the university: interdisciplinarity, academic culture and experience. Uni-Pluriversidad, 10(2), 36–43. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.unipluri.7909

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