Reichel-Dolmatoff and Chocó shamanism, a look from the Embera-Chamí people




Shamanism, dressed, disease, Emberá-Chamí, Chocó, Reichel-Dolmatoff


Based on Reichel-Dolmatoff ’s work on the Chocó groups and shamanism, the researcher’s contributions are manifested in the three subjects: the consumption of hallucinogens (as a vehicle of contact with the world-other), the shamanic dress (a means of incorporating the qualities of the other) and the origin of the disease (as a reflection of the relationship of
individuals with their social environment). These themes are reanalyzed, under the veil of the Embera-Chamí ethnography (one of the Chocó groups), in order to see the importance of Reichel-Dolmatoff ’s work and to broaden the vision we have of them.

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How to Cite

Rubiano Carvajal, J. C. (2023). Reichel-Dolmatoff and Chocó shamanism, a look from the Embera-Chamí people. Boletín De Antropología, 38(66), 111–129.