The Fredonia Legal Clinic and two strategies that contribute to internal deliberation and cross-cultural dialogue
Peasants, Juridical anthropology, Human Rights, Internal discourse, Transcultural dialogue, AntioquiaAbstract
Abstract. Inspired in An-Na´im’s concepts (1995) about internal discourse and transcultural dialogue, this article focuses on analyzing two legal instruments used by Law students and users of the Legal Support Offi ce in Fredonia (Antioquia) during their interaction which, if properly stimulated, could result not only in refl exive educational processes about key Law postulates, but also may constitute new strategies that allow updating the person´s very own expectations about their culture. For Law practitioners it is about investigating their transition between two ways of expression, a mostly legal discourse and a more familiar one, where an approach to the user’s discourse and values takes place. From the user’s point of view, the analysis points to the local counseling network. Taking this key issue as a starting point, the users’ ideas and values about their environment give way to the fi nal goal of solving confl icts in a legal way.
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