Stratification and horizonation in context. Brief refl ection on the concepts, principles and operability of the study of soils and stratigraphy in archaeological fieldwork.


  • William Andrés Posada Restrepo Universidad Nacional



Archeology, Archaeological stratum, Stratigraphy, Pedology, Pedogenic horizon, Soil nomenclature


Abstract. This paper reviews the nature of two indispensable scientifi c disciplines in archaeological praxis: stratigraphy and pedology, focusing discussion on the theoretical and methodological implications of both strata and horizon concepts in the context of the process of archaeological registering and interpretation, where often there are interpretive errors such as, for example, the chronological signifi cance of pedogenic horizons in the ground. Moreover, the paper claim to show the complexity of archaeological contexts from the point of view of soil and sediments in tropical environments such as Colombia, to persuade archaeologists regarding the gains and limitations offered by the process of analysis by these disciplines, and suggesting the correlation of pedogenic horizon and archaeological strata columns, as the most suitable methodology for the understanding of archaeological evidence in the context of depositions.

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Author Biography

William Andrés Posada Restrepo, Universidad Nacional

Master's Degree in Geomorphology and Soils
National University of Colombia, Medellin


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How to Cite

Posada Restrepo, W. A. (2010). Stratification and horizonation in context. Brief refl ection on the concepts, principles and operability of the study of soils and stratigraphy in archaeological fieldwork. Boletín De Antropología, 21(38), 275–291.


