Latin America, Leisure and Geopolitcs of Knowledge
leisure, knowledge, Latin AmericaAbstract
The aim of this bibliographic review is to deepen a critical reflection on the geopolitics of knowledge produced on the theme of leisure in Western societies. Considering this specific context, it has the following questions as starting point: Is Leisure a phenomenon that arose in Greek classical antiquity? Or was it in European modernity? Do the studies and research on leisure in Latin America should consider only urban and industrialized societies? Is History unique and universal, or can other reinterpretations on leisure in Latin America be made? What are the implications of historical, cultural, social, economic, and (geo) politics of this type of approachin the different realities in Latin America? The central concern of this paper is to collaborate with reflection onleisure traditionally produced knowledge about in Latin America. Its backdrop is rethinking modernity, the ideology of progress, the dichotomies that limit the conceptions of man and of the world, and the geopolitics of knowledge on leisure. Understood as a dimension of culture, leisure can be a social space / time ofredefinition and empowerment, contributing to heighten sensitivity and understanding helping Latin American contexts, besides of stimulating critical thinking about societies for social transformation search of a humane world.
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