Physical - motor skills and anthropometric profile: elementary school students between 7 and 11 years old from Rafael J. Mejía School in Sabaneta, (Colombia), 2012
physical, anthropometry, motor developmentAbstract
This study aims to determine the current state of physical skills and anthropometric profile, and the relation between these variables, in students of the Rafael J. Mejia School, in Sabaneta. A stratified sample of 207 students (99 boys - 44%, 108 girls, 56%) was randomly selected from a total of 455 students. We applied measurement procedures and evaluation proposed by Jáuregui and Ordoñez (1993). The results showed that aconsiderable proportion of the sample was above the 75th percentile for anthropometric tests and skinfolds; below the 25th percentile in physical abilities. This suggests that there is a tendency in these children to obesity and physical inactivity.
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