An interethnic marriage in AndáguedA(1946) by Jesús Botero Restrepo
Andágueda, Jesús Botero Restrepo, Antioquian novel, indigenous peoples in literature, miscegenationAbstract
In the context of the Antioqueño novel with an indigenous theme, Andágueda (1946), by Jesús Botero Restrepo (1921-2008), represents a special case. Its story concerns an interethnic marriage not treated in other works, and its development is in accordance with indigenous customs which in itself makes this work unique. Nevertheless, behind the ethnographic symbol the author hides a discourse that favors a project of miscegenation in which the elements of “whites” and “civilizing” —spread through crusades such as the Antioqueño colonization— tries to impose itself over ethic expression in spite of resistance.
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