Factors associated with cervical cancer screening in women from middle and low socioeconomic status in Bogotá, Colombia
cervical cancer, screening, barriers, facilitators, health care experiences, preventionAbstract
Objective: in Colombia, cervical cancer (CC) is the second most common type of cancer among women. It has an agestandardized incidence of 21.5/100,000. The purpose of this study was to examine the knowledge and perceived factors associated with CC screening among women from low medium income status in Bogotá, Colombia. Methodology: the study was conducted with 10 focus groups segmented by age groups (18-33, 34-49, and 50-66). Two researchers conducted content analysis and identified the emerging categories. Results: the sample consisted of 81 women whose ages ranged from 18 to 66. Early onset of sexual activity, promiscuity, vaginal infections, HPV, genetics, abortions, and lack of hygiene were identified as the most important risk factors for CC. Participants recognized that this disease does not always have symptoms, and that pap smears detect it early. However, they mentioned fear of undergoing a pap test, discomfort or pain, embarrassment, poor services, procrastination, and fear of a cancer diagnosis as the main barriers preventing regular screening. Women recommended educational campaigns and improved customer service as strategies to motivate them. Conclusion: participants reported basic knowledge about CC and screening. Actions to facilitate screening must be multifaceted and based on the barriers and facilitators mentioned by each age group.
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