Mortality due to malnutrition among children aged five and younger: five years before and after the implementation of the MANA program. Antioquia, 1998-2007


  • Jaime H. Toro O. University of Antioquia
  • Doris Cardona A. CES University



mortality, malnutrition, Antioquia, MANA program


Objective: to evaluate the mortality trends among children aged five and younger in the department of Antioquia (Colombia), where deaths are due to or associated with malnutrition. The time period studied was before and after the implementation of the MANA program, from 1998 to 2007. Methodology: an ecological study was conducted to analyze the mortality trends in children under five in the regions of Antioquia before and after the implementation of the MANA program. Data was analyzed using the Chi Square association and trend test. The Jointpoint regression was applied to analyze the mortality trend, and a factorial analysis was conducted by extracting the principal components. Results: a decreasing trend in mortality was observed during the time frame of the study. A statistically significant inflexion was observed in the general analysis of the Antioquia department in the year 2000, with an annual variation of -8.30% and a decreasing trend. Analysis revealed the inflexion points for the different regions of Antioquia: the year 2000 for the regions called Valle de Aburrá, Nordeste, Occidente, Oriente, and Suroeste, 2001 for Bajo Cauca, 2005 for Urabá, 2003 for Norte and 2004 for Magdalena Medio. Conclusion: A decreasing trend in mortality due to and associated with malnutrition was observed in each of the Antioquia regions during the time frame studied. This trend started before the implementation of the MANA program.

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Author Biographies

Jaime H. Toro O., University of Antioquia

Nurse, Master in Epidemiology, Professor at the University of Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.

Doris Cardona A., CES University

Professor at the CES University, Doctor in Demography, Medellín, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Toro O. JH, Cardona A. D. Mortality due to malnutrition among children aged five and younger: five years before and after the implementation of the MANA program. Antioquia, 1998-2007. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2013 May 16 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];31(1):93-101. Available from:


